5 Ways To Reduce Plastic Use

There’s a few different reasons why reducing my use of plastic is important to me.

It will create less waste, which will lead to less trash in landfills & less animal deaths related to plastic.

It will decrease chances of being exposed to harmful chemicals, especially when plastic is heated.

It could save money, there may be things you decide not to buy because of the plastic involved.

If this is a goal that is important to you, work your way towards reducing the amount of plastic you purchase over time. First become more aware of HOW MUCH plastic you use daily & learn more about alternatives.

1) Track plastic use over a few days to a week to become more aware of how much you’re actually using. It may be more, it may be less than you expected, but it’s hard to change what you don’t track. Think… water bottles, packaging on food, packaging on beauty products, toys, etc.

2) Recycle what you can, but know that some plastics we assume is recyclable actually isn’t & still ends up in a landfill. Buy in bulk when you can to reduce how much plastic comes with what you’re already buying.

3) Find and avoid hidden sources of plastic. Milks, juices, cartons (like ice cream) etc are actually plastic-lined. Bringing your own grocery bags can be a helpful habit for reducing plastic consumption, but many of the reusable grocery bags are actually made with polypropylene. Cloth bags that can be washed are actually the best choice, when possible.

4) Acquire reusable containers & use them! Stop using disposable water bottles and opt for reusable ones instead & refill them throughout the day. Keep bags, cups, bottles, etc in your car or bag, and you could even keep a set of utensils handy as well. If you do use plastic storage containers, make sure they are BPA Free, but opt for aluminum, ceramic, & glass if possible.

5) Patronize companies/brands that provide alternative packaging. Some yoga mats are made with rubber or hemp. Choose aluminum bottles or tubes versus plastic tubes. There are lip balms that come in cardboard tubes. Opt for metal or rubber straws over the plastic ones. Using a reusable menstrual cup (like Diva Cup, Pinkie, etc) instead of tampons can make a difference too.

Don’t stress about using plastic… it’s everywhere and challenging to change the habits involved with plastic use, but start reducing your use where you can & slowly build on that!

Jessica Sanford